VBS 2024

Vacation Bible School 2024

June 2-6 from 1-4pm

Completed Kindergarten through High School


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Day 1: All Is Good

Bible Passages: Genesis 1

 Lesson Focus: We cruise to our first C of history—Creation—and head back to the beginning of the universe.





Day 2: All Sin

Bible Passages: Genesis 3, 6-9

 Lesson Focus: Next come Corruption and Catastrophe as sin enters the world and affects everyone.





Day 3: All in Confusion

Bible Passages: Genesis 11

 Lesson Focus: The fourth C—Confusion—checks out the world-altering events that began at the tower of Babel.






Day 4: Savior for All Who Believe

Bible Passages: Various Scriptures

 Lesson Focus: Christ and the Cross are the next stops. The gospel is shared today.





​​​​​​​Day 5: All is Good Again

Bible Passages: Revelation 21-22

 Lesson Focus: The last C—Consummation—shows that God wins, and all goes back to very good again.​​​​​​​